Planting Tulsi According to Vastu: 

Tips for Good Health and Luck

Discover the essential do’s and don’ts for planting the revered Tulsi in your home garden to invite prosperity and well-being. Adhering to Vastu principles, here's how you can plant Tulsi while ensuring harmony and positive energy

Optimal Placement  Direction

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For maximum positive impact, position the Tulsi plant towards the east or north-east direction in your home garden.

Terrace or Balcony Placement

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Select a clean corner on your balcony or terrace to host the Tulsi plant. Elevating its position is believed to amplify its auspicious influence.

Encompass with Beneficial Plants

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To promote positive vibrations, surround the Tulsi plant with other flowering plants. Avoid planting thorny species like Cactus, and instead opt for blossoming varieties.

Avoid Unwanted Objects

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Create an uncluttered environment around the Tulsi plant by refraining from placing items like broomsticks, mops, trash bins, or shoes nearby.

Elevated Planting Approach

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Opt for planting the Tulsi in a raised pot or planter rather than directly in the ground. This elevated technique aligns with Vastu principles.

Mindful Watering

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Exercise caution not to overwater the Tulsi. Strike a balance to maintain moist soil without causing waterlogging.

Scheduled Watering Routine

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Follow the scriptural advice and water the Tulsi plant every day except Sundays. This traditional approach adds an auspicious touch to the routine.

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Shielding from Intense Sun

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During sweltering summer days, shield the Tulsi plant from harsh sunlight by providing ample shade. This safeguards its well-being and vitality.

By embracing these Vastu-compliant guidelines, you can cultivate a thriving Tulsi plant that radiates positive energy, fostering good health and fortune.

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