Botanical name of Jade tree: Portulacaria afra
Family: Purslanes
Common Names of Jade tree: Baby Jade tree, Elephant Bush, Elephant Food, Dwarf Jade, Miniature Jade
Introduction to Jade Plant
Jade Plant is native to South Africa, it grows well with very little care. It is believed that good luck is always with the person who keeps the Jade tree, although it cannot be said how true it is, but it can definitely be said that by keeping it, the greenery in the house can be increased very easily. can be maintained.
Its small green fleshy leaves look very cute. It emerges on light red twigs, these twigs become hard with time.
Jade Plant bonsai
The easiest plant to make bonsai is Jade tree, if you want to prepare bonsai plant for the first time, then try Jade bonsai only because of Jade small leaves and fast growth.
Where to Buy Jade Plant
Jade Plant can be easily found at your local nursery. Apart from this, you can order online Jade tree.
How to take care of Jade Plant Jade Plant
Bright Indirect Light is very important for the good health of the Jade tree. Jade tree needs good bright indirect sunlight for 4-5 hours daily to flourish well.
Keep the plant away from the strong direct sunlight of summer, otherwise its leaves may burn.
Before pouring water in Elephant bush or Jade, make sure that the top surface of the soil is dry. Never keep its soil wet for too long, otherwise there may be a risk of root damage.
Being a succulent, its thick leaves can absorb water by itself, so even if you are not able to water it for a few days, it will not spoil.
It is to be noted here that in summer, when the temperature starts to exceed 35 degrees, the Jade Plant’s need for water increases, in cold weather, very little water also works.
To know the care of Jade Plant, it is very important to know the temperature in which it should be kept.
A temperature of 20 to 25 degree C or say a normal room temperature is ideal for Jade Plants. If it is kept in high temperature, then it would be better to keep it in a shaded place where indirect bright light comes.
Do not keep it outside in cold weather when the temperature drops below 5 degree C, otherwise it may die.
Soil Mix
For good care of Jade Tree, it is very important to have the right soil or Potting Soil which does not stop the moisture too much.
Since overwatering is one of the biggest reasons for the death of Jade, we have to prepare such a soil in which there is a provision for protection from Overwatering, that is, such a soil which is Well-drained and Porous.
These 3 materials can be used as a good succulents mix –
- Well drained potting soil
- Coarse Sand (coarse sand without sifting)
- Perlite and small pieces of coal
Well drained potting soil means a good container gardening soil. If you want to avoid working so hard, you can also order succulents potting mix online.
Apart from this, if you get Cinder or Khangar from somewhere, then it can be used as a very good potting mix.
Since this plant is basically found in dry and arid places, low humidity is good for Portulacaria afra. Jade Plants do well when the soil and environment are dry.
Keeping it in a place where the humidity is high prevents the soil from drying out which is not liked by the Jade Plant; So don’t keep it in places like bathroom.
Manure Fertilizer
Jade Plant is actively growing when the temperature is high, so it needs a lot of feeding in hot weather.
It is necessary to give liquid fertilizer to Jade Plant once a month, for this you can make liquid fertilizer at home or you can use seaweed fertilizer.
Whenever the plant has to be fertilized, give sufficient water to the plants some time in advance so that the root and soil become moist; This gives strength to the roots and liquid fertilizer can be absorbed well by the roots.
Fertilizer in winter: Jade Plant becomes dormant during winter season, so do not give fertilizer etc. to it during this season.
How to re-pot a Jade Plants
Whenever re-potting a Jade Plant, make sure the soil is completely dry. Do not water immediately even after re-potting, pour only after a few days when the roots settle in the new pot.
how to propagate Jade Plants
It is very easy to propagate Jade Plant. Usually it is planted even by just putting its small 3-4 inch branch in the soil.
To propagate properly, you can add 20% river sand in (i) 80% garden soil or (ii) 100% river sand.
Break the bottom 3-4 leaves of the cutting, for more cuttings to get success, you can apply root hormone or aloe vera gel on the tip of the cutting.
After 30-35 days, roots will emerge from these cuttings, which you can transplant.
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